2009 - Taiwan

Taiwan (12th to 19th June 2009)
宝岛 - 台湾

Other Taiwan Trips:

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taiwan Taipei County / 台北: (1st County) (out of 16 Counties)
Taipei 101 Building / 台北 101 大楼: (currently the world's tallest completed skyscraper according to the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat, the arbiter of tall building height. Taipei 101 received the Emporis Skyscraper Award in 2004. It has been hailed as one of the Seven New Wonders of the World (Newsweek magazine, 2006) and Seven Wonders of Engineering (Discovery Channel, 2005)).
more photos, http://www.flickr.com/photos/swytravel/sets/72157621909730781/
Taipei 101 Building by night / 台北 101 大楼夜景:
Taipei City / 台北市貌:

Taipei City Hall / 台北市政府:
Grand Hyatt Taipei / 台北君悦大饭店:

Tamshui Fisherman's Wharf / 淡水渔人码头:
famous for its "iron-eggs"; the filming site of the popular TV Drama serial, "Meteor Garden" /
以"阿婆铁蛋"闻名; 偶像剧 <流星花园> 的外景拍摄景点

Patasan Aboriginal Restaurant / 芭达桑原住民主题餐厅:
houses the world's largest collection of ancient Chinese treasures / 典藏近70万件国宝
Ximenting / 西门町: more photos: http://www.flickr.com/photos/swytravel/sets/72157621909736681/

Martyrs Shrine / 忠烈祠: The Martyrs Shrine is dedicated to approximately 330,000 men who sacrificed their lives to the overthrowing of the Ching Dynasty before the establishment of the Republic of China in 1911, and who fell during the Sino-Japanese war (1938-1945) and the Chinese Civil war (1945-1949).

Matyrs Shrine, more photos: http://www.flickr.com/photos/swytravel/sets/72157621892046289/

Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall / 中正纪念堂:

Memorial Office of the Late President Chiang Kai-shek / 蒋公纪念办公室:

a prosperous village with many teahouses and shops selling famous local dishes, snacks and crafts, location shoot of famous movie "A City of Sadness" / 因影片 <悲情城市> 一炮而红的小镇; 可怀旧, 赏景和享用各式各样的道地美食

Yehliu National Park: (Yehliu Stone Park / Yehliu Geopark) /野柳地质公园:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yehliu
see fantastic rock formations sculpted by nature / 欣赏大自然的伟大杰作

The Queen's Head / 女皇头:
The Fairy Shoe / 仙女鞋:
Yehliu Geopark, more photos: http://www.flickr.com/photos/40780708@N05/sets/72157621980568256/
Yilan / 宜兰: (2nd County)
Shangrila Leisure Farm / 宜兰香格里拉休闲农场:Experience the fun of staying in a traditional Taiwanese leisure farm and relive your childhood by joining in activities / 体验回归农村生活的简单娱乐:
some scenic photos: http://www.flickr.com/photos/40780708@N05/sets/72157621874271781/
位于宜兰大元山的山麓上, 约 250 公尺的海拔高度和年平均 25度C 的气温, 终年都有适合欢乐的气候.
Puppet Show / 木偶剧:
Dumplings making / 搓汤圆:
Top Spinning / 打陀螺:
Releasing heavenly lanterns / 放天灯:
Bubbles making / 吹泡泡:
Enjoying a farm experience and an eco-tour:
Fruit Farm / 果园:

A reward for locating a lost pet (squirrel):
Taking a train from Yilan to Hualien / 从宜兰乘搭火车到花莲:
more photos: http://www.flickr.com/photos/40780708@N05/sets/72157621796717245/
Hualien / 花莲: (3rd County)
Cross Island Highway (between the East & the West of Taiwan) / 中西横贯公路:
A historical construction that established a firm basis for Taiwan's economic growth / 为台湾经济起飞打下坚实基础
Taroko National Park (Taroko Gorge) / 太鲁阁国家公园 (太鲁阁峡谷): http://www.taroko.gov.tw/
One of the most spectacular natural wonders of the world, formed by rushing river waters which have cut through the marble and granite.
(台湾的第四座国家公园, 其特色为峡谷和断崖, 崖壁峭立, 景致清幽, "鲁阁幽峡" 因而名列台湾八景之一.)
Swallow Grotto / 燕子口:

Swallow Grotto / 燕子口, more photos: http://www.flickr.com/photos/40780708@N05/sets/72157621921049654/
Taroko Gorge / 太鲁阁峡谷, more photos: http://www.flickr.com/photos/40780708@N05/sets/72157621796402299/
Eternal Spring Shrine / 长春祠:
more photos: http://www.flickr.com/photos/40780708@N05/sets/72157621920908740/

Bamboo Rice - another Taiwanese specialty / 竹筒饭风味午餐:
A picturesque stopover at Hualien / 花莲:
Aborigine Specialty Centre / 山地特产中心
At Chih Shang, between Hualien & Taitung / 池上, 花莲与台东交接处:
more photos: http://www.flickr.com/photos/40780708@N05/sets/72157621788722785/
Taitung / 台东: (4th County)
Luminous Hot Spring Resort & Spa / 鹿鸣温泉酒店: (鹿野, 台东)
Tranquil view from the balcony of the hotel room / 从酒店客房阳台欣赏怡人景色:
(可在房内享受舒适的温泉浴) http://www.lmresort.com.tw/ Awesome scenery of the Taitung countryside outside the hotel / 饭店外, 台东郊外美景 (背景:都兰山):
more photos: http://www.flickr.com/photos/40780708@N05/sets/72157621904663126/
Travelling southward along the Pacific Coast / 沿着太平洋海岸往南行: (Scenic view along the East Coast Highway / 风光明媚的东部海岸景观)

Pintung / 屏东: (5th County)
A famous mango shop in Pintung / 著名的芒果店:

more photos: http://www.flickr.com/photos/40780708@N05/sets/72157621780052995/
Kaohsiung / 高雄: (6th County)
Tung Po Zuiyuelou Chinese Buffet / 东坡醉月楼
江南风味美食, 单点吃到饱
One of the famous dish - Tung Po meat / 招牌菜之一 - 东坡肉:
more photos & menu: http://www.flickr.com/photos/40780708@N05/sets/72157621779934405/
A highway bridge in Kaohsiung / 高雄的高速大桥:
Fokuangshan ("Light of Buddha" Mountain) / 佛光山: more photos: http://www.flickr.com/photos/40780708@N05/sets/72157621904400196/
Spring and Autumn Pavilions, Dragon and Tiger Pagodas / 春秋阁龙虎塔:Lotus Lake / 莲池潭:
more photos: http://www.flickr.com/photos/40780708@N05/sets/72157621892547946/
Kaohsiung old city wall / 高雄古城墙:列为一级古迹, 凤山县旧城,的城墙, 城门遗址
Dream Mall / 梦时代购物中心: the largest shopping mall in Taiwan and the second largest in Southeast Asia after the Mall of Asia in Manila, Philippines; entertainment facilities including a Ferris wheel nicknamed Kaohsiung Eye (traditional Chinese): 高雄之眼
more photos: http://www.flickr.com/photos/40780708@N05/sets/72157621768054455/
Kaohsiung Tuntex Sky Tower (85 Sky Tower) / 高雄八五大楼: The building was constructed from 1994 to 1997. It is the tallest in Kaohsiung, and was the tallest in Taiwan until the completion of Taipei 101.

Outside Dream Mall, Kaohsiung 85 Sky Tower in the background:
梦时代购物中心外, 背景高雄八五大楼:
Liouhe Night Market / 六合夜市:
more photos: http://www.flickr.com/photos/40780708@N05/sets/72157621892562886/
Taking the Taiwan High Speed Rail ("bullet train ride") from Kaohsiung (Zuoying) to Tainan / 从高雄左营到台南乘搭台湾高铁 (子弹快铁) :
Passing through industrial regions of Kaohsiung / 经过高雄工业区:
more photos of the High Speed Rail ride / 乘搭台湾高铁: click here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/40780708@N05/sets/72157621831548232/
Tainan County / 台南: (7th County)
we reached Tainan County by High Speed Rail / 乘搭台湾高铁直达台南:
Chiayi County / 嘉义: (8th County)
(从嘉义可上阿里山国家公园: 阿里山自然景观极为丰富, 日出, 云海, 晚霞, 神木 并列为 "阿里山四奇", 而 "阿里云海" 更是台湾八景之一.)
we passed through Chiayi County and proceeded to Yunlin County / 经嘉义云林
Yunlin County / 云林:
(9th County)
Janfusun Fancy World / 剑湖山世界: http://www.janfusun.com.tw/ More photos, click here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/40780708@N05/sets/72157621831028694/

Janfusun Prince Hotel / 剑湖山王子大饭店: More photos, click here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/40780708@N05/sets/72157621706850181/
Nantou County / 南投: (10th County)
Sun Moon Lake / 日月潭:
The largest natural lake in Taiwan
Lalu Island in the centre of the lake / 拉鲁岛在潭中央:
http://www.sunmoonlake.gov.tw/EN/02000465.aspx (English)
http://www.sunmoonlake.gov.tw/sun.aspx?Lang=CN (中文)
known for the captivating beauty of its emerald waters surrounded by jade mountains, the lake derives its name from its shape where the southern side looks like the sun while the northern side looks like the moon. / 地形依山旁水, 北面如日, 南面如月

Wen Wu Temple / 文武庙:
more photos of the Sun Moon Lake region / 日月潭四周景观: click here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/swytravel/sets/72157621819841380/

Formosan Aboriginal Culture Village / 九族文化村: http://www.nine.com.tw/
It is the filming site of romantic drama serial, "The Little Princess". / 著名电视剧<环珠格格>摄制地点
The village established to preserve the cultural heritage of Taiwan's nine hill-tribes. / 这儿展出九个原住民的传统与文化风俗
View the Aboriginal Villages / 原住民部落景观区: Click here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/swytravel/sets/72157621684102755/
View the village from the Skyline / 从空中缆车鸟瞰九族全区美景: Click here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/swytravel/sets/72157621683921297/
At Amusement Isle / 欢乐世界: Click here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/swytravel/sets/72157621683793047/
At Aladdin Pavilion / 阿拉丁广场: Click here:
At Culture Square / 文化广场:
With the Aborigines / 与原住民合照:
Going up north along the west coast:
Changhua County / 彰化: (11th County) - stopover / 经过
Taichung County / 台中: (12th County) - stopover / 经过
Miaoli County / 苗栗: (13th County) - stopover / 经过
Hsinchu / 新竹: (14th County)
Hsinchu City - City God Temple Night Market / 新竹都城隍庙夜市:As the sun sets over many Taiwanese towns and cities, people everywhere head for the markets. Known as “Night Markets” these collections of street stalls, sidewalk vendors and small canteens are a major part of the Taiwanese social scene.An excellent environment for shopping, eating and catching up with friends in the cool of the evening- the Night market attracts crowds of locals and visitors alike.
Taoyuan / 桃园: (15th County)
We stayed at Taoyuan Yaward Resort (a golf resort in a serene environment).Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport / 台湾桃园国际机场:
Penghu Island / 澎湖岛: (16th County)
We did not visit this 16th county as it is an island away from the main island. We will be there the next visit.

Straits Times Travel Article on 21-4-2013: