1993 - Europe - Belgium

Europe - Belgium (21st April 1993)
Capital of the European Economic Community (EEC)
Also the headquarters of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO)
(An icon from the 1958 World Fair.
Symbolises an iron crystal magnified 165 billion times.
A symbol of the universal desire to use nuclear energy for peaceful economic development, it offers a 360-degree panoramic view of the city's municipalities.
9 interconnecting spheres supported by 100m steel structures show exhibits of the fair and other exhibitions. A world class restaurant sits at the top of the international architectural and engineering monument.
It is cleaned every 5 years by 100 men)
Grand Place:
(The most beautiful square in Europe.
It is completely surrounded by flamboyantly decorated 17th century guild houses.
Destroyed in 1695 by France's Louis XIV, and rebuilt over the next few years.)
(A UNESCO World Heritage site since 1998)
(70cm tall)