1988 - China - Guilin / Guangzhou

China (June 1988)
Guilin / 桂林:
Li River / 漓江:
Along the 100-kilometer stretch of the Li River, mountain peaks rise into the sky. It is one of China's most famous scenic areas.
象鼻山,Elephant Trunk Hill:
(It is the symbol of the city of Guilin)
Beautiful scenery of the Li River, 漓江风光:
Yangshuo County (阳朔县 Yangshuo Xian) is a county in Guilin. It is surrounded by karst peaks and bordered on one side by the Li River (漓江):
A pleasure boat ride along the Li River, 漓江仙境游:
Reed Flute Cave,芦笛岩:
(a limestone cave which is over 180 million years old)
Magnificent view in Reed Flute Cave,芦笛岩奇观:
Guangzhou / 广州:
Yuexiu Park, 越秀公园:
Zhenhai Tower, 镇海楼 (五层楼):
(Zhenhai Lou) is a five-story tower.It was built in 1380, at the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, by the Yongjia Marquis Zhu Liangzu (朱亮祖).
Statue of the Five Goats, 五羊石像:
Huanghuagang Mausoleum of 72 Martyrs,
A tree planted by Dr Sun Yat-sen:
A monument made of gigantic stones. The head of the monument has a pyramid shape built of 72 stones, on the top of which stands the Statue of Liberty God holding a torch high.
民国十年 浩气长存 孙文敬题: