1993 - Europe - Vatican city

Europe - Vatican City (19th April 1993)
(A small principality. It is a landlocked sovereign city-state, since 1929, whose territory consists of a walled enclave within the city of Rome. It has an area of approximately 44 hectares and a population of just over 800.)

In Italy, all roads lead to Rome. In Rome, all roads lead to the Vatican.

St. Peter's Square and St. Peter's Basilica:
(the largest cathedral in the world)
. . . the spiritual centre for millions of Catholics . . . built since early 16th century for more than 100 years:
background: where the Pope lives:
St. Peter's Basilica has 280 pillars:
St. Peter holding the key from Jesus Christ:
Swiss Guard's traditional uniform designed by Michelangelo 500 years ago:
Michelangelo's Pieta (1499 - 1500):
(housed in St. Peter's Basilica)
(now protected by a bulletproof glass after a 1978 terrorist attack on the artwork.)
St. Peter's Basilica interior: