2012 - China - Hainan Island

Hainan Island - Hawaii of the East

Yalong Bay Beach, Sanya, Hainan Island:
With soft powdery white sandy beach, bluish crystal clear water and world's crispiest air

At Yalong Bay Central Square: totem sculpture - a peace & prosperity emblem of the city:
 Lu Hui Tou Park:
Feng Huang Dao (with multi-million dollar apartments):
panoramic view of Sanya city:
Nanshan Cultural Tourism Area:
Night at Sanya:
Xinglong Tropical Botanic Garden:
Chi You Tribal Village:
- they are regarded as the ancestor of southern ethnic tribal groups in China
The tribal chief:
Wanquan River from Bo'ao:
(The 3rd longest river of Hainan, it is the most ecology denotable tropical river in China, that is reputed as the Mother River of Hainan)
Jade Belt Beach:
(regarded as the world's longest tract that separate the river & the sea - magically made up of the intersection of three rivers and three islands)
The Memorial Temple of Five Lords:
(Wu Gong Ci)
Food in Hainan:
The 4 prominent delicacies of Hainan:
Hainan Fruit Feast:
Impression Hainan:
 Straits Times travel article on 12/4/2012: