2013 - Malaysia - SuperStar Virgo Cruise to Pulau Redang

SuperStar Virgo Cruise to Pulau Redang, Malaysia (11th to 13th September 2013)
The Ship:
Parthenon Pool with Mega Water Slide on the ship:
World Class Performance:
Balcony Class Cabin:
Laguna Redang Island Resort:
(we went there to prepare the equipment for snorkelling)
On our way to Open Water Snorkelling:
Open water snorkelling around Pulau Redang:
Laguna Redang Resort:
(relaxing here after the open water snorkelling)
At the beach:
At the resort:

Diving and Snorkelling in Redang:
The Pulau Redang region has large areas of stony corals and less sand, and so the visibility is often better here. The waters are shallow. The terrain consists of large boulders leading down to sand. These boulders are carpeted with stony corals, soft corals, sponges, and in the deeper water, gorgonian sea fans, large Dendronephthya soft tree corals, harp corals and black corals.

The visibility is 30-60m here.

When to go:
The eastern coast of Peninsula Malaysia:
Drier season from April to October
Wetter season (NE monsoon) from November to March
(the eastern coast's rainy season is wetter than that on the western coast

The western coast of Peninsula Malaysia:
Drier season from November to March
Wetter season (SW monsoon) from April to October

Kampung Kuala Redang:
The fishing village of Kampung Kuala Redang, built on stilts at the estuary of the Sungai Redang on Pulau Redang is home to about 200 families. They subsist mainly on fishing and collecting edible swiftlets' nests from the caves along the northeast coast. 

The waters separating Pulau Redang from the small islets are relatively shallow (upto 25m). The most extensive reefs are around these islets in the greatest variety on the deeper north and east sides.

Malaysia's First Marine Park:
Pulau Redang is Malaysia's first Marine Park. The marine waters surrounding the Pulau Redang archipelago to a distance of 5.6 km from the low-water marks of the shores of the islands were in 1985 designated a Marine Park.

The main diving and snorkelling areas are off the east coast and in particular, off the small islets. The southwest coast of Pulau Redang offers good diving in shallow water, reaching 18m. The northeast coast of Pulau Redang is good for snorkelling.  

It consists of 9 islands in the Pulau Redang archipelago. The largest is Pulau Redang, followed by Pulau Pinang and 7 islets, 45km northeast of K. Terengganu and 27km off Merang. This area probably has the best coral reefs off Peninsula Malaysia, and they are the most intensively studied. 

Terengganu Marine Park:
Pulau Redang is part of the Terengganu Marine Park.
Other islands are:
Pulau Perhentian Besar
Pulau Perhentian Kechil
Pulau Tengah
Pulau Tenggol